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Awesome ways to help

Stone soup - with chilies. Mas picoso, por favor

Popping this to the top, and making more concise. Thanks to all of you asking how to help! Donations and supplies are rolling in. :) :)

I suggest these 3 ways of helping:

Send money:
1. Where I am: Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries: http://swgsm.org/take-action/donate-now/
2. Team Brownsville: a volunteer-led group that provides meals to people daily: https://www.teambrownsville.org/
3. Good Neighbor Settlement House: a homeless shelter that has been expanded to serve as a respite center for people paroled from detention and with 6-24 hours before their bus leaves for their next destination. https://www.goodneighborsh.org/

Send supplies:
1. SWGSM: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/charitylist/ls/2NS529C97DIKK/ref=smi_se_spo_icl_lst_tgt
2. Catholic Charities Respite Center in McAllen: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/JJVAJFS3VIIQ/

Go find some people who recently made their way to your city. Sponsoring legal fees for their asylum-seeking process would be a potent way to assist. Another would be finding a high school where these kids wind up, and ask what they need. Churches and synagogues are often on the front lines; you don't need to be a person of faith to join in their work! They will welcome anyone who wants to help.

Shout out to mi amiga Lynn who decided to hop in her car and drive down here! Yahoo - we will have a reunion, and she will bring a carload of stuff from her friends and colleagues in Houston. Shout out to Nechasek! Got your bags yesterday, and will deliver tomorrow. A little over $500 raised by you guys so far for SWGSM. I have 2 more dinners to deliver in Brownsville. You are with me!


Posted by sarahglover44 09:33

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